January 10, 2019 11:19PM
The domain is proxied over cloudflare and the access log shows a large number of requests to the website from the cloudflare servers


the requests were all GET / and the rate at which it is done mostly is extremely high pointing to a Layer 7 attack

We cant block the cloudflare IP's on the server as other sites (its a shared hosting server) may be using Cloudflare . At the moment the target IP on the server is blocked at the network level.Luckily the domain was using a dedicated IP

As I already said, Apache handles this pretty well , the only small issue I see is the server load getting a bit above normal and the Apache scoreboard getting filled up, but with Nginx the entire webstack freeze with the CLOSE_WAIT state and ESTABLISHED state extremely high and we can bring back things to normal only after disabling Nginx . Once Nginx is disabled, the CLOSE_WAIT and ESTABLISHED states clear off immediately too
Subject Author Posted

Nginx hang and do not respond with large number of network connection in FIN_WAIT state

Anoop Alias January 09, 2019 09:58PM

Re: Nginx hang and do not respond with large number of network connection in FIN_WAIT state

Peter Booth via nginx January 10, 2019 01:04AM

Re: Nginx hang and do not respond with large number of network connection in FIN_WAIT state

Maxim Dounin January 10, 2019 08:46AM

Re: Nginx hang and do not respond with large number of network connection in FIN_WAIT state

Anoop Alias January 10, 2019 01:06PM

Re: Nginx hang and do not respond with large number of network connection in FIN_WAIT state

Anoop Alias January 10, 2019 01:26PM

Re: Nginx hang and do not respond with large number of network connection in FIN_WAIT state

Peter Booth via nginx January 10, 2019 04:34PM

Re: Nginx hang and do not respond with large number of network connection in FIN_WAIT state

gnusys January 10, 2019 02:47PM

Re: Nginx hang and do not respond with large number of network connection in FIN_WAIT state

itpp2012 January 10, 2019 04:29PM

Re: Nginx hang and do not respond with large number of network connection in FIN_WAIT state

gnusys January 10, 2019 10:30PM

Re: Nginx hang and do not respond with large number of network connection in FIN_WAIT state

gnusys January 10, 2019 11:02PM

Re: Nginx hang and do not respond with large number of network connection in FIN_WAIT state

Peter Booth via nginx January 10, 2019 11:08PM

Re: Nginx hang and do not respond with large number of network connection in FIN_WAIT state

gnusys January 10, 2019 11:19PM

Re: Nginx hang and do not respond with large number of network connection in FIN_WAIT state

Peter Booth via nginx January 10, 2019 11:36PM

Re: Nginx hang and do not respond with large number of network connection in FIN_WAIT state

gnusys January 10, 2019 11:32PM

Re: Nginx hang and do not respond with large number of network connection in FIN_WAIT state

Peter Booth via nginx January 10, 2019 11:42PM

Re: Nginx hang and do not respond with large number of network connection in FIN_WAIT state

gnusys January 10, 2019 11:56PM

Re: Nginx hang and do not respond with large number of network connection in FIN_WAIT state

gnusys January 11, 2019 10:30PM

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