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Throttle requests with limit_req rate based on header from response to auth subrequest

August 29, 2018 07:13PM
I'm hoping to use the limit_req directive with different rates based on a header that is returned from the auth subrequest. I got some ideas from https://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/4418040 but am running into a few problems. Here is my configuration:

> user nginx;
> worker_processes auto;
> error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log warn;
> pid /var/run/nginx.pid;
> events {
> worker_connections 10000;
> }
> worker_rlimit_nofile 10000;
> http {
> log_subrequest on;
> log_format main escape=json '{ "timestamp": "$time_local", "client": "$remote_addr",'
> ' "method": "$request_method", "uri": "$uri",'
> ' "request_length": $request_length,'
> ' "status": $status, "bytes_sent": $bytes_sent,'
> ' "upstream_status": "$upstream_status",'
> ' "request_id": "$request_id",'
> ' "request_uri": "$request_uri",'
> ' "tier": "$tier",'
> ' "upstream_http_tier": "$upstream_http_tier",'
> ' "2X_key": "$2X_key",'
> ' "3X_key": "$3X_key",'
> ' "2X_key_from_upstream": "$2X_key_from_upstream",'
> ' "3X_key_from_upstream": "$3X_key_from_upstream",'
> ' "origin": "$http_origin"}' ;
> access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main;
> sendfile on;
> tcp_nopush on;
> tcp_nodelay on;
> keepalive_timeout 65;
> types_hash_max_size 2048;
> include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
> default_type application/octet-stream;
> proxy_buffering on;
> proxy_buffers 8 64k;
> proxy_cache_path /dev/shm/nginx/auth use_temp_path=off levels=1:2 keys_zone=auth_cache:1024m inactive=30m max_size=1g;
> proxy_cache_path /dev/shm/nginx/manifests use_temp_path=off levels=1:2 keys_zone=manifest_cache:100m inactive=30s max_size=10g;
> proxy_cache_methods GET HEAD;
> proxy_cache_lock on;
> proxy_cache_use_stale updating;
> proxy_bind;
> proxy_ignore_headers Expires;
> proxy_pass_header Server;
> map $request_uri $endpoint_id {
> default "unknown";
> ~^/out/v\d+/(?P<endpoint.+?)/.+$ $endpoint;
> }
> # Mappings based on the tier header from the /auth request
> map $tier $2X_key {~02x $endpoint_id; default "";}
> map $tier $3X_key {~03x $endpoint_id; default "";}
> map $upstream_http_tier $2X_key_from_upstream {~02x $endpoint_id; default "";}
> map $upstream_http_tier $3X_key_from_upstream {~03x $endpoint_id; default "";}
> # Throttle zones based on the results of the above mapping
> limit_req_zone $2X_key zone=2x_zone:20m rate=10r/s;
> limit_req_zone $3X_key zone=3x_zone:20m rate=100r/s;
> limit_req_zone $2X_key_from_upstream zone=2x_zone_from_upstream:20m rate=10r/s;
> limit_req_zone $3X_key_from_upstream zone=3x_zone_from_upstream:20m rate=100r/s;
> server {
> listen 80 default_server;
> listen [::]:80 default_server;
> server_name default_backend;
> server_tokens off;
> access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main;
> root /var/www/html;
> error_page 401 /error_pages/401.html;
> error_page 403 /error_pages/403.html;
> error_page 404 /error_pages/404.html;
> error_page 429 /error_pages/429.html;
> error_page 500 501 502 503 504 /error_pages/5xx.html;
> set $upstream_server http://my_server:80;
> proxy_http_version 1.1;
> proxy_set_header Connection "";
> proxy_connect_timeout 10;
> proxy_send_timeout 30;
> proxy_read_timeout 30;
> proxy_cache_valid 404 412 1s;
> location ~* \.(m3u8|mpd|isml?/manifest)$ {
> auth_request /auth;
> # Capture the tier header from auth request
> auth_request_set $tier $upstream_http_tier;
> # Throttling based on mappings from tier
> limit_req zone=2x_zone burst=10 nodelay;
> limit_req zone=3x_zone burst=10 nodelay;
> limit_req zone=2x_zone_from_upstream burst=10 nodelay;
> limit_req zone=3x_zone_from_upstream burst=10 nodelay;
> limit_req_status 429;
> proxy_pass $upstream_server;
> proxy_cache manifest_cache;
> set $cache_key "${endpoint_id}";
> proxy_cache_key $cache_key;
> proxy_cache_valid 200 301 302 2s;
> access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main;
> }
> location /auth {
> internal;
> set $auth_type 1;
> proxy_pass_request_body off;
> proxy_pass $upstream_server/auth?endpoint=$endpoint_id;
> proxy_cache auth_cache;
> set $auth_cache_key "${endpoint_id}";
> proxy_cache_key $auth_cache_key;
> proxy_cache_valid 200 301 302 5m;
> proxy_cache_valid 400 401 403 404 5m;
> access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main;
> }
> }
> }

I'm expecting the following line to capture the "tier" header that comes back from the auth subrequest (sometimes it will be "02x", and sometimes "03x"):

> auth_request_set $tier $upstream_http_tier;

Then, that value will be passed into several mappings that should either return "" or a value, depending on which throttle zone should be applied. (There are variants using both $tier and $upstream_http_tier from attempts at troubleshooting.)

> map $tier $2X_key {~02x $endpoint_id; default "";}
> map $tier $3X_key {~03x $endpoint_id; default "";}
> map $upstream_http_tier $2X_key_from_upstream {~02x $endpoint_id; default "";}
> map $upstream_http_tier $3X_key_from_upstream {~03x $endpoint_id; default "";}

Finally, I expect only the limit_req directive with a non-empty key to be applied:

> limit_req_zone $2X_key zone=2x_zone:20m rate=10r/s;
> limit_req_zone $3X_key zone=3x_zone:20m rate=100r/s;
> limit_req_zone $2X_key_from_upstream zone=2x_zone_from_upstream:20m rate=10r/s;
> limit_req_zone $3X_key_from_upstream zone=3x_zone_from_upstream:20m rate=100r/s;

However, it's look like at least two things are not behaving as I expect.
1) The only throttling that I see is coming from 2x_zone, even when the header comes back as "03x".

2018/08/29 22:37:31 [error] 12626#0: *1596735 limiting requests, excess: 10.010 by zone "2x_zone", client:, server: default_backend, request: "GET /out/v1/04b1719535444a1d84389aeb0a1fb912/throttleCanary.m3u8 HTTP/1.1", host: "myserver"

2) Mapping based on the variable captured from auth_request_set don't appear to be set as I expect on the main request.

Here's what I see in the access log for an auth request and a main request:

"timestamp": "29/Aug/2018:22:37:31 +0000",
"client": "",
"method": "GET",
"uri": "/auth",
"status": 200,
"bytes_sent": 0,
"upstream_status": "",
"server_name": "default_backend",
"request_id": "d6545f5758c2b3944438c80f2e964678",
"request_uri": "/out/v1/04b1719535444a1d84389aeb0a1fb912/throttleCanary.m3u8",
"tier": "",
"upstream_http_tier": "02x",
"2X_key": "",
"3X_key": "",
"2X_key_from_upstream": "04b1719535444a1d84389aeb0a1fb912",
"3X_key_from_upstream": "",
"origin": ""
"timestamp": "29/Aug/2018:22:37:31 +0000",
"client": "",
"method": "GET",
"uri": "/out/v1/04b1719535444a1d84389aeb0a1fb912/throttleCanary.m3u8",
"status": 200,
"bytes_sent": 652,
"upstream_status": "",
"server_name": "default_backend",
"request_id": "d6545f5758c2b3944438c80f2e964678",
"request_uri": "/out/v1/04b1719535444a1d84389aeb0a1fb912/throttleCanary.m3u8",
"tier": "02x",
"upstream_http_tier": "",
"2X_key": "",
"3X_key": "",
"2X_key_from_upstream": "04b1719535444a1d84389aeb0a1fb912",
"3X_key_from_upstream": "",
"origin": ""

Notice that in the main request, "tier" is "02x" as expected, but the mapping based on $tier (2X_key) is empty while the mapping based on $http_upstream_tier (2X_key_from_upstream) has a value. Moreover, since only 2X_key_from_upstream has a value, I would expect the throttle based on that key (2x_zone_from_upstream) to take effect, not 2x_zone whose key is empty.

I would really appreciate any help explaining my misunderstanding or advice with how better to implement what I'm trying to do.

Subject Author Posted

Throttle requests with limit_req rate based on header from response to auth subrequest

jarstewa August 29, 2018 07:13PM

Re: Throttle requests with limit_req rate based on header from response to auth subrequest

Francis Daly August 30, 2018 04:10AM

Re: Throttle requests with limit_req rate based on header from response to auth subrequest

jarstewa August 30, 2018 12:53PM

Re: Throttle requests with limit_req rate based on header from response to auth subrequest

jarstewa August 30, 2018 07:47PM

Re: Throttle requests with limit_req rate based on header from response to auth subrequest

jarstewa August 30, 2018 08:13PM

Re: Throttle requests with limit_req rate based on header from response to auth subrequest

Francis Daly August 31, 2018 07:10AM

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