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Re: newbie: nginx rtmp module

March 09, 2018 05:16PM
I believe you need to compile with the appropriate module. If this was freeBSD, no problem. Just use ports. (Of course FreeBSD has many other problems.) With centos, you will need to compile the code and use all the "with" options for each module you want to install. Potentially you will need to set up systemd to run your version of Nginx. It wouldn't surprise me that this is complicated enough that someone had already done a write up.

Regarding updating to Centos 7, if you are on VPS, you can easily image your Centos 6 installation should you get bogged down in the update. Or you set up a second VPS on a fresh install of centos 7 with a different domain name. That is how a currently do major changes. However I'm thinking I might set up DNS so that www1.example.com go to the experimental server. That would save the cost of owning an additional domain plus make it easier to deal with let'sencrypt.

I found this:


This isn't up to date, but it is a start. Looking at the Nginx download page, they don't use git for source, but there is a mirror of sorts of the Nginx source on github. It would do that for both the source and module.

But the deal with Centos is you shouldn't be compiling code unless there is no other alternative. That is the idea is you do "yum update" and everything is secure. I don't go so far as to crontab the process, but some do. The point here being maybe there is some other way to rtmp without the module.

  Original Message  
From: nginx-forum@forum.nginx.org
Sent: March 9, 2018 8:59 AM
To: nginx@nginx.org
Reply-to: nginx@nginx.org
Subject: Re: newbie: nginx rtmp module

I've resigned myself to the fact that there is no rtmp module here which
leads me to the obvious question:

is it possible to install an rtmp module into this 'yum install' version of

Posted at Nginx Forum: https://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,278950,278984#msg-278984

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Subject Author Posted

newbie: nginx rtmp module

neuronetv March 07, 2018 03:24AM

Re: newbie: nginx rtmp module

gariac March 07, 2018 04:20AM

Re: newbie: nginx rtmp module

neuronetv March 07, 2018 04:53AM

Re: newbie: nginx rtmp module

gariac March 07, 2018 05:02AM

Re: newbie: nginx rtmp module

neuronetv March 08, 2018 05:40AM

Re: newbie: nginx rtmp module

neuronetv March 09, 2018 11:59AM

Re: newbie: nginx rtmp module

gariac March 09, 2018 10:38PM

Re: newbie: nginx rtmp module

neuronetv March 10, 2018 04:07AM

Re: newbie: nginx rtmp module

gariac March 09, 2018 05:16PM

Re: newbie: nginx rtmp module

gariac March 10, 2018 11:30AM

Re: newbie: nginx rtmp module

neuronetv March 10, 2018 11:57AM

Re: newbie: nginx rtmp module

gariac March 10, 2018 12:26PM

Re: newbie: nginx rtmp module

neuronetv March 10, 2018 01:05PM

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