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Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Nagy, Attila
March 02, 2018 04:02AM
On 02/28/2018 11:33 PM, Peter Booth wrote:
> This discussion is interesting, educational, and thought provoking.
>  Web architects
> only learn “the right way” by first doing things “the wrong way” and
> seeing what happens.
> Attila and Valery asked questions that sound logical, and I think
> there's value in exploring
> what would happen if their suggestions were implemented.
> First caveat - nginx is deployed in all manner different scenarios on
> different hardware
> and operating systems. Physical servers and VMs behave very
> differently, as do local
> and remote storage. When an application writes to NFS mounted storage
> there's no guarantee
> that even and synch will correctly enforce a write barrier. Still, if
> we consider  real numbers:
> * On current model quad socket hosts, nginx can support well over 1
> million requests per second (see TechEmpower benchmarks)
> * On the same hardware, a web app that writes to a Postgresql DB can
> do at least a few thousand writes per second.
> * A SATA drive might support  300 write IOPS, whilst an SSD will
> support 100x that.
> What this means that doing fully synchronous writes can reduce your
> potential throughput
> by a factor of 100 or more. So it’s not a great way to ensure consistency.
> But there are cheaper ways to achieve the same consistency and
> reliability characteristics:
> * If you are using Linux then your reads and write swill occur
> through the page cache - so the actual disk itself really doesn’t
> matter (whilst your host is up).
> * If you want to protect against loss of physical disk then use RAID.
> * If you want to protect against a random power failure then use
> drives with battery backed caches, so writes will get persisted
> when a server restarts after a power failure
Sorry, but this point shows that you don't understand the problem. A
BBWC won't save you from random power failure. Because the data is still
in RAM!
BBWC will save you when you do an fsync and the end of the write (and
that fsync will still write RAM, but it will be the controller's RAM
which is protected by battery).
But nginx doesn't do this today. And that's what this discussion is all

> * If you want to protect against a crazy person hitting your server
> with an axe then write to two servers ...
And still you won't have it reliably on your disks.

> *But the bottom line is separation of concerns.* Nginx should not use
> fsync because it isn’t nginx's business.
Please suggest at least working solution, which is compatible with
nginx's asynchronous architecture and it ensures that a successful HTTP
PUT will mean the data written to a reliable store.

There are several filesystems which can be turned "fsync by default",
but that will fail miserably because nginx does the writes in the same
process in the same thread. That's what could be solved by doing at
least the fsyncs in different threads, so they wouldn't block the main

BTW, I'm not proposing this to be the default. It should be an optional
setting, so if somebody want to maintain the current situation, they
could do that.
nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

fsync()-in webdav PUT

Nagy, Attila February 27, 2018 05:24AM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Maxim Dounin February 27, 2018 08:26AM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Nagy, Attila February 28, 2018 04:32AM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Aziz Rozyev February 28, 2018 05:06AM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Valery Kholodkov February 28, 2018 01:26PM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Aziz Rozyev February 28, 2018 04:44PM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Aziz Rozyev February 28, 2018 05:08PM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

pbooth February 28, 2018 05:36PM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Valery Kholodkov March 01, 2018 07:26AM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Valery Kholodkov March 01, 2018 07:30AM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Nagy, Attila March 02, 2018 04:02AM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Nagy, Attila March 02, 2018 05:04AM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Nagy, Attila March 02, 2018 03:52AM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Maxim Dounin February 28, 2018 09:10AM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Valery Kholodkov February 28, 2018 01:56PM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

itpp2012 February 28, 2018 03:28PM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Nagy, Attila March 02, 2018 04:14AM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Aziz Rozyev March 02, 2018 05:44AM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Nagy, Attila March 02, 2018 06:32AM

RE: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Reinis Rozitis March 04, 2018 07:42AM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Nagy, Attila March 05, 2018 05:32AM

RE: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Reinis Rozitis March 05, 2018 06:56AM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Valery Kholodkov March 05, 2018 08:14AM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Nagy, Attila March 05, 2018 08:56AM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Richard Demeny March 05, 2018 09:06AM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Maxim Dounin March 02, 2018 11:08AM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Valery Kholodkov March 02, 2018 02:50PM

Re: fsync()-in webdav PUT

Maxim Dounin March 02, 2018 07:44PM

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