> gariac Wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> > What about Roboo? It requires a cookie on the website before the
> > download takes place. (My usual warning this is my understanding of
> > how it works, but I have no first hand knowledge.) I presume the
> hot
> > linkers won't have the cookie.
> >
> > https://github.com/yuri-gushin/Roboo
On top of my previous posted example bypass that with a proxy_set_header Cookie "cookiename=cookievalue";
I don't know why anyone would use that if all it does it require a cookie to download you could achieve it even more simple like this.
if ($http_cookie = "^$") { #If client has no cookies
return 444;
Or as a whitelist.
if ($cookie_cookiename != "cookievalue") {
return 444;
But a fake proxy stealing your traffic can bypass that with this proxy_set_header Cookie "cookiename=cookievalue";