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Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

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Richard Stanway
September 12, 2016 05:40PM
limit_req works with multiple connections, it is usually configured per IP
using $binary_remote_addr. See
- you can use variables to set the key to whatever you like.

limit_req generally helps protect eg your backend against request floods
from a single IP and any amount of connections. limit_conn protects against
excessive connections tying up resources on the webserver itself.

On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 10:23 PM, Grant <emailgrant@gmail.com> wrote:

> > ‎https://www.nginx.com/blog/tuning-nginx/
> >
> > ‎I have far more faith in this write up regarding tuning than the
> anti-ddos, though both have similarities.
> >
> > My interpretation is the user bandwidth is connections times rate. But
> you can't limit the connection to one because (again my interpretation)
> there can be multiple users behind one IP. Think of a university reading
> your website. Thus I am more comfortable limiting bandwidth than I am
> limiting the number of connections. ‎The 512k rate limit is fine. I
> wouldn't go any higher.
> If I understand correctly, limit_req only works if the same connection
> is used for each request. My goal with limit_conn and limit_conn_zone
> would be to prevent someone from circumventing limit_req by opening a
> new connection for each request. Given that, why would my
> limit_conn/limit_conn_zone config be any different from my
> limit_req/limit_req_zone config?
> - Grant
> > Should I basically duplicate my limit_req and limit_req_zone
> > directives into limit_conn and limit_conn_zone? In what sort of
> > situation would someone not do that?
> >
> > - Grant
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Subject Author Posted

limit-req and greedy UAs

Grant September 08, 2016 09:26PM

Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

gariac September 08, 2016 09:40PM

Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

Richard Stanway September 09, 2016 09:02AM

Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

gariac September 09, 2016 12:42PM

Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

Grant September 11, 2016 08:32AM

Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

gariac September 11, 2016 11:32AM

Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

Grant September 11, 2016 01:30PM

Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

gariac September 11, 2016 03:18PM

Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

B.R. September 12, 2016 04:10AM

Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

gariac September 12, 2016 05:28AM

Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

Grant September 12, 2016 04:24PM

Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

Richard Stanway September 12, 2016 05:40PM

Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

gariac September 12, 2016 06:32PM

Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

gariac September 13, 2016 02:56AM

Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

gariac September 13, 2016 04:30AM

Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

Grant September 13, 2016 12:04PM

Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

Grant September 13, 2016 12:10PM

Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

Grant September 24, 2016 08:58PM

Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

c0nw0nk September 12, 2016 08:51AM

Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

Grant September 11, 2016 08:38AM

Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

gariac September 11, 2016 10:42AM

Re: limit-req and greedy UAs

Grant September 11, 2016 01:24PM

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