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Re: AW: AW: AW: Disabling HTTP/2 for a specific location

August 19, 2016 08:22AM
Here is a simplified version of the config.I get 405 (Method not allowed).Documentation for the module say that the error happen if the request method is not POST


server {
listen 443 http2;
location = /upload {
proxy_pass http://mywebsite.com/upload;

server {
listen 80;
server_name mywebsite.com;
location = /upload {
#module settings goes here
upload_pass @uploadhandler;

location @uploadhandler {
root /var/www/mywebsite.com/public_html/www;
rewrite ^ /upload.php last;


Thanks for the help Lukas
Subject Author Posted

Disabling HTTP/2 for a specific location

khav August 16, 2016 07:19AM

AW: Disabling HTTP/2 for a specific location

Lukas Tribus August 16, 2016 07:38AM

Re: AW: Disabling HTTP/2 for a specific location

Jim Ohlstein August 16, 2016 08:04AM

AW: AW: Disabling HTTP/2 for a specific location

Lukas Tribus August 16, 2016 08:26AM

Re: AW: AW: Disabling HTTP/2 for a specific location

khav August 18, 2016 12:53PM

Re: AW: AW: Disabling HTTP/2 for a specific location

khav August 19, 2016 03:10AM

AW: AW: AW: Disabling HTTP/2 for a specific location

Lukas Tribus August 18, 2016 04:00PM

Re: AW: AW: AW: Disabling HTTP/2 for a specific location

khav August 19, 2016 08:22AM

Re: AW: AW: AW: Disabling HTTP/2 for a specific location

Valentin V. Bartenev August 19, 2016 08:32AM

Re: AW: AW: AW: Disabling HTTP/2 for a specific location

khav August 19, 2016 09:48AM

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