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Re: CPU load monitoring / dynamically limit number of connections to server

May 21, 2016 09:40PM
Does that really limit per the OP's request? Reading the document, it seems like a monitoring module, but not something that limits nginx. For example, ulimit is just a linux command. Maybe you could set a chron job to sniff the load based on this monitoring and adjust system parameters accordingly. (Beware of positive feedback loops.!

This was my method to set limits on nginx. First, download
I found my server could handle 3000 requests per minute. Note this is running httperf ON the server itself. This does not include the connection to the Internet. But now you know how much abuse the server can take. 

Then I ran httperf over the Internet from a number of different ISPs. The performace was more like 100 requests per second at best. Clearly the pipe I share is the limiting factor. ‎I pulled a somewhat arbitrary 10 users at a time limit, which is actually real life most of the time. I'm not CNN or a porn site. So I set the limit request to 10 per second. Remember every photo, document, etc. takes one request. 

This is barely scientific, but it is better than nothing.

  Original Message  
From: ohenley
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2016 12:37 PM
To: nginx@nginx.org
Reply To: nginx@nginx.org
Subject: Re: CPU load monitoring / dynamically limit number of connections to server

Found it:


Posted at Nginx Forum: https://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,267003,267019#msg-267019

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Subject Author Posted

CPU load monitoring / dynamically limit number of connections to server

ohenley May 19, 2016 11:11AM

Re: CPU load monitoring / dynamically limit number of connections to server

ohenley May 19, 2016 10:50PM

Re: CPU load monitoring / dynamically limit number of connections to server

Anoop Alias May 20, 2016 02:28PM

Re: CPU load monitoring / dynamically limit number of connections to server

gariac May 20, 2016 03:48PM

Re: CPU load monitoring / dynamically limit number of connections to server

gariac May 21, 2016 09:40PM

Re: CPU load monitoring / dynamically limit number of connections to server

ohenley May 25, 2016 10:06AM

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