On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 07:03:19PM +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
Hi there,
> there are multiple apache redirection rules that were working successfully.
> for example something like this
> Redirect 301 /aaaa/bbbbbbb /aaaaa/bbbbbb.html
> Now i have converted this rule in nginx like this
> location /aaaa/bbbbbbbb {
> rewrite ^(.*)$ /aaaa/bbbbbbbbbb.html redirect;
> }
You have different numbers of a:s and b:s there, which makes it quite
difficult to know what it is that you actually want to do.
> now all redirection rules are keep giving error "redirection loops".
> and when i disable the rule things back to normal. there is no duplication
> happening as far as config is concern. i can confirm.
Do note that "location /x" can match anything that starts with /x; and
if a request for /x.html returns a redirect to /x.html, you've got a loop.
*Possibly* you want your "rewrite/redirect" to only happen for specific
requests; in that case, set the first argument to "rewrite" to be as
specific as you want. Or leave the "rewrite" applying to everything,
but have it in an exact-match location{}.
(And if you are doing the same "rewrite...redirect" for all inputs,
"return" may be a better directive to use instead.)
> can you guys please advice how can i troubleshoot this and fix the issue.
"troubleshoot" is "turn on the debug log to see, or otherwise work out,
what you have asked nginx to do". Then compare that with what you want
nginx to do.
Good luck with it,
Francis Daly francis@daoine.org
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