On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 6:54 PM, Frank Liu <gfrankliu@gmail.com> wrote:
> Given this config:
> proxy_next_upstream timeout;
> proxy_next_upstream_timeout 50;
> proxy_connect_timeout 10;
> proxy_read_timeout 100;
> If upstream has issues causing connect timeout, nginx will re-try 5
> upstream servers until hitting 50, then fail.
'[...] hitting 50s [...]' (cf. http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)
> If one upstream has issues causing read timeout, nginx will keep wait to
> read, until 100, then timeout,
nginx will wait for a maximum of 100s between two successful read
operations (or before the first one) and will fail if exceeded.
> then checks the proxy_next_upstream_timeout which is 50 and already
> passed, so nginx won't retry next upstream.
> I am trying to setup nginx to only retry on connect timeout, not read
> timeout, will above work?
The 'timeout' property regroups conneciton timeout and header read timeout.
Content read timeout is set by proxy_read_timeout
(default 60s)
*B. R.*
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