March 20, 2016 09:07AM

I have an elatic virtual private server (EC2 VPS by Amazon), in which I would like to host two website ( and

The first ( is a django dinamic website,
and the second ( is only a static file (to be simpler as possible).

If only is enabled, the site works all right,
but if I enable also, the first also stops to work.

These are my settings:

server {
listen 80;
server_name *;

location /static {
alias /home/ndrini/sites/;

location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;


server {
listen 80;
server_name *;
location / {
root /home/ndrini/sites/loomio;
index home.html;

Can someone tell me why and how to fix it?


Subject Author Posted

sites overlap in a EC2 server

ndrini March 20, 2016 09:07AM

Re: sites overlap in a EC2 server

B.R. March 20, 2016 09:18AM

Re: sites overlap in a EC2 server

Francis Daly March 20, 2016 05:02PM

Re: sites overlap in a EC2 server

ndrini March 20, 2016 06:12PM

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