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HTTP/2 Gateway

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December 06, 2015 09:02AM

i've tried to use nginx as http/2 gateway for backends which only
supporting HTTP 1.1. If a backend is already HTTP/2 ready, than HTTP/2
should be used.

When i test my configuration (simple proxy_pass / upstream), the connection
from nginx to the backend is always HTTP 1.1 (even if the backend supports

Is there a possiblity to speak HTTP/2 also to the backends?

I've used "proxy_http_version 1.1" in my configuration (no other setting
(higher version or protocol auto-negotiation) available).


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Subject Author Posted

HTTP/2 Gateway

bjunity@gmail.com December 06, 2015 09:02AM

Re: HTTP/2 Gateway

Maxim Dounin December 06, 2015 09:14PM

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