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Rewrite rules in nginx config

July 17, 2015 11:12AM
Hi all,
thank's to accept me in this forum.

I'm a newbie... I have a problem with a rewrite rules that I imported from apache

This is my code

index home.php index.php;
location / {
rewrite ^/(.*)?$ /categories.php?cat=$1;
rewrite ^/(.*).html?$ /game.php?game=$1;
rewrite ^/(.*)/(.*).html?$ /game.php?game=$2 break;

location /dists/ {
# Do nothing. nginx will serve files as usual.

location /images/ {
# Do nothing. nginx will serve files as usual.
location /admin/ {
# Do nothing. nginx will serve files as usual.
location /css/ {
# Do nothing. nginx will serve files as usual.
location /config/ {
# Do nothing. nginx will serve files as usual.

I'd like ti take parameters from cat and game and use them to know the path.
This is oc, but so... all others directories don't work.
Is this configuration so insensitive?
Subject Author Posted

Rewrite rules in nginx config

dr.net July 17, 2015 11:12AM

Re: Rewrite rules in nginx config

mike-pt July 17, 2015 11:38AM

Re: Rewrite rules in nginx config

dr.net July 17, 2015 12:04PM

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