I would prefer RPM. Just patching the official one.
RPM patching process is pretty standardized and shouldn't take more than a
few minutes. Could you explain what problem you have?
On Mon, Jun 15, 2015, 05:59 ajjH6 <nginx-forum@nginx.us> wrote:
> Hello
> What is a good method for deploying a newly compiled nginx binary with an
> extra module? (mod_security)
> I can get all to compile ok. However, I do not want to compile on my
> production server. There are two many dependencies (ie HTTPD for mod_sec).
> In the case of mod_security, it seems only the Apache Portable Runtime
> (apr-util) is required if I manually move the binary over.
> I tried building my own RPM but hit some issues.
> Posted at Nginx Forum:
> http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,259622,259622#msg-259622
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