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Re: Fastcgi_cache sometimes returns statuscode 500

Maxim Dounin
March 02, 2015 10:06AM

On Mon, Mar 02, 2015 at 09:11:11AM -0500, mastercan wrote:

> I've had 2 cases with status code 500 now since setting error log to debug
> level:
> The error msg: "epoll_wait() reported that client prematurely closed
> connection while sending request to upstream"

It's expected to be 499, not 500. If it's 500, it problably means
that there is some invalid error_page handling configured.

> It's interesting to note that:
> If a "normal" file (no caching involved) is requested and the client closes
> the connection prematurely, the status code is 200 and the response body is
> 0 bytes.
> If first a php script is called, which responds with a X-Accel-Redirect to
> the cached file, and the client closes the connection prematurely, the
> status code is 500 and the response body is 0 bytes.

When talking to upstream servers, nginx tries to detect if a
client closed connection. If it does so, nginx terminates request
processing with the 499 status code. The
fastcgi_ignore_client_abort directive can be used to control the
behaviour in case of the fastcgi module, see
http://nginx.org/r/fastcgi_ignore_client_abort for details.

Maxim Dounin

nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

Fastcgi_cache sometimes returns statuscode 500

mastercan March 02, 2015 06:11AM

Re: Fastcgi_cache sometimes returns statuscode 500

Maxim Dounin March 02, 2015 07:48AM

Re: Fastcgi_cache sometimes returns statuscode 500

mastercan March 02, 2015 07:50AM

Re: Fastcgi_cache sometimes returns statuscode 500

Maxim Dounin March 02, 2015 07:58AM

Re: Fastcgi_cache sometimes returns statuscode 500

mastercan March 02, 2015 08:04AM

Re: Fastcgi_cache sometimes returns statuscode 500

mastercan March 02, 2015 09:11AM

Re: Fastcgi_cache sometimes returns statuscode 500

Maxim Dounin March 02, 2015 10:06AM

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