I am using 2 layer NGINX. Fist layer NGINX works as a load balancer and forwards all HTTP traffic another NGINX based on HTTP or HTTPS.
When i setup below conditions its not working.
location / {
satisfy any;
allow xx.xx.xx.xx/32;
allow yy.yy.yy.yy/32;
auth_basic "Restricted"
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/password;
When I try accessing my / from IP xx.xx.xx.xx its throwing me the 401 error, This log is not logging on my 2nd layer NGINX, only LB NGINX logging this information.
If i change allow to any instead of specific IP things works fine. without 401 error. Some one can suggest me why the alloe not working for the specific IP?
I tried both allow method,
allow xx.xx.xx.xx and allow xx.xx.xx.xx/32;
Any help would be appreciated.