March 13, 2015 06:16AM
When you say " but ALSO set up another proxy_pass from this location block to say"

Do you mean the request should go to both? i.e foo.mydomian and bar.mydomain. If thats the case than upstream will not work because it will actually load balance the requests between 2 servers.

Infact I am also looking for a solution wherein I need proxy_pass to send request to the destined server but ALSO send it to another server also (in async manner).

I tried using echo module with echo_subrequest_async but it did not worked. So I am not sure whats the best way to do that in Nginx

check this,257211,257211
Subject Author Posted

Multiple proxy_pass destinations from a single location block

justink101 February 04, 2015 04:11AM

Re: Multiple proxy_pass destinations from a single location block

Igor Sysoev February 04, 2015 04:20AM

Re: Multiple proxy_pass destinations from a single location block

justink101 February 05, 2015 03:26AM

Re: Multiple proxy_pass destinations from a single location block

Igor Sysoev February 05, 2015 07:40AM

Re: Multiple proxy_pass destinations from a single location block

AmitChauhan March 13, 2015 06:16AM

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