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Re: NGINX using 100% of the server CPU when testing with Blitz.io

November 27, 2014 09:21AM
Ok, just tested it with HTTP instead of HTTPS and while it did reach 100% of CPU usage from time to time, the average load was 50% and the Blitz.io test was a lot better:
- 33,086 HITS WITH 29 ERRORS & 2,344 TIMEOUTS

Why would SSL perform so badly? I generated the key with 4096 instead of 2048, but I don't believe that would affect CPU usage this much.
Subject Author Posted

NGINX using 100% of the server CPU when testing with Blitz.io

julianfernandes November 26, 2014 02:15PM

Re: NGINX using 100% of the server CPU when testing with Blitz.io

mex November 26, 2014 03:27PM

Re: NGINX using 100% of the server CPU when testing with Blitz.io

julianfernandes November 26, 2014 03:36PM

Re: NGINX using 100% of the server CPU when testing with Blitz.io

Yichun Zhang (agentzh) November 26, 2014 03:44PM

Re: NGINX using 100% of the server CPU when testing with Blitz.io

Robert Paprocki November 26, 2014 05:10PM

Re: NGINX using 100% of the server CPU when testing with Blitz.io

julianfernandes November 27, 2014 08:51AM

Re: NGINX using 100% of the server CPU when testing with Blitz.io

julianfernandes November 27, 2014 09:21AM

Re: NGINX using 100% of the server CPU when testing with Blitz.io

itpp2012 November 27, 2014 10:04AM

Re: NGINX using 100% of the server CPU when testing with Blitz.io

Maxim Dounin November 27, 2014 10:10AM

Re: NGINX using 100% of the server CPU when testing with Blitz.io

julianfernandes November 27, 2014 11:36AM

Re: NGINX using 100% of the server CPU when testing with Blitz.io

George November 28, 2014 09:32AM

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