Hi Valentine,
Please confirm that keep alive_timeout is a value for inactivity by mentioning it on the nginx.org .
From: "Valentin V. Bartenev" <vbart@nginx.com<mailto:vbart@nginx.com>>
Organization: NGINX, Inc.
Reply-To: "nginx@nginx.org<mailto:nginx@nginx.org>" <nginx@nginx.org<mailto:nginx@nginx.org>>
Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014 at 10:07 PM
To: "nginx@nginx.org<mailto:nginx@nginx.org>" <nginx@nginx.org<mailto:nginx@nginx.org>>
Subject: Re: Using both keepalive requests and timeout
On Thursday 20 November 2014 20:40:30 Das, Jagannath wrote:
I tried with 10s, 30s, 40s .
But you have set 2s timeout between requests in httperf,
so how do you expect it to work?
It's a timeout for inactive keep-alive connection.
If you set keepalive_timeout 10s; then a connection
will be closed after 10 seconds of inactivity, but
httperf with the --wsess=1,102,2 parameters sends
new requests every 2 seconds.
See also: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-6.5
wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev
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