I tried posting data to nginx running on the same host as that of the client(httperf) with keep alive_timeout set to a non-zero value and keep alive_requests set to a non-zero value. I observed that, the server was closing the connection only when the number of requests equalled the value set by the keepalive_requests in the configuration.
What could be the reason?
From: "Valentin V. Bartenev" <vbart@nginx.com<mailto:vbart@nginx.com>>
Organization: Nginx, Inc.
Reply-To: "nginx@nginx.org<mailto:nginx@nginx.org>" <nginx@nginx.org<mailto:nginx@nginx.org>>
Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014 at 1:56 PM
To: "nginx@nginx.org<mailto:nginx@nginx.org>" <nginx@nginx.org<mailto:nginx@nginx.org>>
Subject: Re: Using both keepalive requests and timeout
On Thursday 20 November 2014 10:42:03 Das, Jagannath wrote:
Hi All,
I have a query, I tried setting keep alive_timeout to a non-zero value
and found it not working correctly.
Are there any related parameters for this?
What do you mean by not working correctly? What's the problem?
wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev
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