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Is it possible to send html HEAD early (chunked)?

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Martin Grotzke
July 13, 2014 08:50AM
Hi all,

inspired by the bigpipe pattern I'm wondering if it's possible to send the
full html head so that the browser can start downloading CSS and javascript

An idea would be that the proxied backend uses a chunked encoding and sends
the html head as first chunk. The body would be sent as a separate chunk as
soon as all data is collected.

Not sure if this is relevant: In our particular case we're using ssi in the
body to assemble the whole page, and some of the includes might take some
time to be loaded. The html head contains an include as well, but this
should always be loaded from the cache or should be served really fast by
the backend.

What do you think about this? Has anybody tried this already?

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Subject Author Posted

Is it possible to send html HEAD early (chunked)?

Martin Grotzke July 13, 2014 08:50AM

Re: Is it possible to send html HEAD early (chunked)?

mex July 13, 2014 09:40AM

Re: Is it possible to send html HEAD early (chunked)?

Martin Grotzke July 13, 2014 11:36AM

Re: Is it possible to send html HEAD early (chunked)?

mex July 13, 2014 12:37PM

Re: Is it possible to send html HEAD early (chunked)?

Martin Grotzke July 13, 2014 02:54PM

Re: Is it possible to send html HEAD early (chunked)?

mex July 14, 2014 08:23AM

Re: Is it possible to send html HEAD early (chunked)?

Valentin V. Bartenev July 13, 2014 04:02PM

Re: Is it possible to send html HEAD early (chunked)?

Martin Grotzke July 13, 2014 06:28PM

Re: Is it possible to send html HEAD early (chunked)?

Maxim Dounin July 14, 2014 08:56AM

Re: Is it possible to send html HEAD early (chunked)?

Martin Grotzke July 14, 2014 02:36PM

Re: Is it possible to send html HEAD early (chunked)?

Maxim Dounin July 15, 2014 08:46AM

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