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Re: Nginx on Windows PHP fastcgi read timeouts

June 18, 2014 12:24PM
c0nw0nk Wrote:
> Upon the change it gets worse now i do not even get a error the
> browser just time's out. I have no idea if it is a Joomla issue or if
> it is actualy something with PHP on windows. I get the feeling it is a
> bit of both.

Then you first need to figure out why joomla needs so much time, maybe it is waiting for mysql without getting anywhere.
Can be anything, invalid request ending in a loop, too many nested / unions queries timing out mysql...

nginx for Windows http://nginx-win.ecsds.eu/
Subject Author Posted

Nginx on Windows PHP fastcgi read timeouts

c0nw0nk June 17, 2014 06:11PM

Re: Nginx on Windows PHP fastcgi read timeouts

Steve Wilson June 17, 2014 06:20PM

Re: Nginx on Windows PHP fastcgi read timeouts

c0nw0nk June 17, 2014 06:56PM

Re: Nginx on Windows PHP fastcgi read timeouts

c0nw0nk June 17, 2014 07:39PM

Re: Nginx on Windows PHP fastcgi read timeouts

Steve Wilson June 17, 2014 08:02PM

Re: Nginx on Windows PHP fastcgi read timeouts

c0nw0nk June 17, 2014 08:13PM

Re: Nginx on Windows PHP fastcgi read timeouts

c0nw0nk June 17, 2014 10:14PM

Re: Nginx on Windows PHP fastcgi read timeouts

itpp2012 June 18, 2014 03:51AM

Re: Nginx on Windows PHP fastcgi read timeouts

c0nw0nk June 18, 2014 09:21AM

Re: Nginx on Windows PHP fastcgi read timeouts

itpp2012 June 18, 2014 09:53AM

Re: Nginx on Windows PHP fastcgi read timeouts

c0nw0nk June 18, 2014 11:19AM

Re: Nginx on Windows PHP fastcgi read timeouts

c0nw0nk June 18, 2014 12:06PM

Re: Nginx on Windows PHP fastcgi read timeouts

itpp2012 June 18, 2014 04:03AM

Re: Nginx on Windows PHP fastcgi read timeouts

x64architecture June 18, 2014 12:00PM

Re: Nginx on Windows PHP fastcgi read timeouts

x64architecture June 18, 2014 12:02PM

Re: Nginx on Windows PHP fastcgi read timeouts

c0nw0nk June 18, 2014 12:14PM

Re: Nginx on Windows PHP fastcgi read timeouts

itpp2012 June 18, 2014 12:24PM

Re: Nginx on Windows PHP fastcgi read timeouts

Maxim Dounin June 18, 2014 03:48PM

Re: Nginx on Windows PHP fastcgi read timeouts

c0nw0nk June 18, 2014 06:25PM

Re: Nginx on Windows PHP fastcgi read timeouts

c0nw0nk June 19, 2014 09:17AM

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