I am using nginx as reverse proxy with FQDN for the backend server .
My configuration for the location block looks like this :-
location / {
set $ustreamsbc sbc.example.com ;
proxy_pass HTTPS://$ustreamsbc ;
proxy_next_upstream error timeout invalid_header http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504;
proxy_connect_timeout 10s ;
include /usr/local/nginx/conf/proxy.conf ;
proxy_redirect off;
I have a resolver in place for this FQDN and its running fine.
My doubt is that if I change the mapped IP for this FQDN in the DNS server , would nginx re-resolve the FQDN to the new IP for all the future requests.
Also does nginx honor TTL for all the FQDN stored in variables as shown above ??
Thanks and Regards
Shobhit Mishra