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How does the Proxy Cache Key Lookup actually happen?

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May 05, 2014 09:58PM
I am using part of the request_body as the Cache_key in setting up the Proxy_cache_key and I was wondering how the actual lookup / matching of the Cache would occur?

From the documentation, it looks like it's a MD5 encryption of the Cache Key that I set.

Does that mean the cache_key lookup would be done after constructing the cache key for the Incoming request? Is it possible that it would try to do a lookup with the default URI first and failover to construct the cache key??

Context of asking this is I am seeing some inconsistency in the Cache Hit Serving time for huge size of request_body Params even though when it's served from the cache.
Subject Author Posted

How does the Proxy Cache Key Lookup actually happen?

lovekmla May 05, 2014 09:58PM

Re: How does the Proxy Cache Key Lookup actually happen?

samgujrat1984 May 15, 2014 12:05PM

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