On 4/25/14, 12:06 PM, Thuban wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to use subdirectories instead of subdomains because my host
> doesn't support subdomains.
First suggestion is get a better host.
> So, instead of having :
> - http://owncloud.example.com
> - http://wordpress.example.com
> - http://anyservice.example.com
> I would like to have :
> - http://example.com/owncloud
> - http://example.com/wordpress
> - http://example.com/anyservice
> I tried to do such things with `location` rules and `alias`.Example :
> root /var/www/mysite;
> location /owncloud {
> alias /var/www/mysite/owncloud;
> include /etc/nginx/conf.d/owncloud.conf;
> }
> , but services like owncloud need `location` rules too, so I finally
> have "location /example is outside location" errors.
> How can I configure nginx for this?
Why are you using an alias here? If the root is /var/www/mysite then
location /owncloud
would be interpreted as /var/www/mysite/owncloud which I'm guessing is
what you want.
Jim Ohlstein
"Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the
difference." - Mark Twain
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