April 16, 2014 06:35AM
Strange things are happening.

ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;


TLS 1.2 No
TLS 1.1 No
TLS 1.0 Yes
SSL 3 Yes
SSL 2 No


SSLv2 NOT offered (ok)
SSLv3 offered
TLSv1 offered (ok)
TLSv1.1 not offered
TLSv1.2 not offered

Looks like i can`t disable sslv3

OS: Ubuntu sancy
SSL Certificate: StartCom Ltd.
Subject Author Posted

openssl 1.0.1 and tls1.1 and up

Nemesiz April 15, 2014 08:31AM

Re: openssl 1.0.1 and tls1.1 and up

Miguel Clara April 15, 2014 09:34AM

Re: openssl 1.0.1 and tls1.1 and up

Miguel Clara April 15, 2014 09:42AM

Re: openssl 1.0.1 and tls1.1 and up

mex April 15, 2014 02:04PM

Re: openssl 1.0.1 and tls1.1 and up

Nemesiz April 16, 2014 06:35AM

Re: openssl 1.0.1 and tls1.1 and up

Maxim Dounin April 16, 2014 06:42AM

Re: openssl 1.0.1 and tls1.1 and up

Nemesiz April 16, 2014 07:03AM

Re: openssl 1.0.1 and tls1.1 and up

B.R. April 16, 2014 08:10AM

Re: openssl 1.0.1 and tls1.1 and up

kyprizel April 16, 2014 08:20AM

Re: openssl 1.0.1 and tls1.1 and up

Nemesiz April 16, 2014 09:13AM

Re: openssl 1.0.1 and tls1.1 and up

Nemesiz April 16, 2014 09:42AM

Re: openssl 1.0.1 and tls1.1 and up

Valentin V. Bartenev April 16, 2014 09:38AM

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