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Re: nginx throws a 502 (invalid header) when downloading a file attachment if filename has a space character

Kunal Pariani
March 24, 2014 01:48PM
I used the web browser but didn't see this Content-disposition header in
the response. Only saw these response headers.

1. Response Headersview source
1. Connection:
2. Content-Length:
3. Content-Type:
4. Date:
Mon, 24 Mar 2014 17:15:00 GMT
5. Server:

Using the curl to get the file directly from the backend server keeps
throwing the http 404 must authenticate error don't know why as i am
supplying the -u username:password as well

kunal@zdev-vm048:~$ curl -u testuser1:testpass -k -I ""

*HTTP/1.1 404 must authenticate*

Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 17:38:56 GMT

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1

Cache-Control: must-revalidate,no-cache,no-store

Content-Length: 320



On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 3:56 AM, Lukas Tribus <luky-37@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> > What debugs should i enable & how to see these response headers ? I do
> > see this error though.
> Just use curl for example and request it directly from your backend:
> curl -k -I "
> So you can check the actual response header.
> Regards,
> Lukas
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Subject Author Posted

nginx throws a 502 (invalid header) when downloading a file attachment if filename has a space character

Kunal Pariani March 23, 2014 06:38PM

RE: nginx throws a 502 (invalid header) when downloading a file attachment if filename has a space character

Lukas Tribus March 23, 2014 08:08PM

Re: nginx throws a 502 (invalid header) when downloading a file attachment if filename has a space character

Kunal Pariani March 23, 2014 10:12PM

Re: nginx throws a 502 (invalid header) when downloading a file attachment if filename has a space character

vesperto March 24, 2014 06:34AM

RE: nginx throws a 502 (invalid header) when downloading a file attachment if filename has a space character

Lukas Tribus March 24, 2014 06:58AM

Re: nginx throws a 502 (invalid header) when downloading a file attachment if filename has a space character

Kunal Pariani March 24, 2014 01:48PM

RE: nginx throws a 502 (invalid header) when downloading a file attachment if filename has a space character

Lukas Tribus March 24, 2014 02:18PM

Re: nginx throws a 502 (invalid header) when downloading a file attachment if filename has a space character

Kunal Pariani March 24, 2014 02:36PM

RE: nginx throws a 502 (invalid header) when downloading a file attachment if filename has a space character

Lukas Tribus March 24, 2014 03:00PM

RE: nginx throws a 502 (invalid header) when downloading a file attachment if filename has a space character

Lukas Tribus March 24, 2014 03:44PM

Re: nginx throws a 502 (invalid header) when downloading a file attachment if filename has a space character

Kunal Pariani March 24, 2014 04:18PM

RE: nginx throws a 502 (invalid header) when downloading a file attachment if filename has a space character

Lukas Tribus March 24, 2014 05:10PM

Re: nginx throws a 502 (invalid header) when downloading a file attachment if filename has a space character

Kunal Pariani March 24, 2014 05:28PM

RE: nginx throws a 502 (invalid header) when downloading a file attachment if filename has a space character

Lukas Tribus March 24, 2014 05:48PM

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