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Re: Launching Excel in a production web server on a Mac

Scott Ribe
February 04, 2014 09:33AM
On Feb 1, 2014, at 12:25 PM, Anth Anth <lists@ruby-forum.com> wrote:

> I'm running under root because that was the easy way to bind to port 80.
> I'm guessing if I run nginx under my user account I'd have to forward a
> higher port (8080 or whatever) to port 80 using an ip table (or whatever
> the OS X equivalent is)?

IIRC, one of your later messages made it clear that you do not, in fact, need nginx to communicate with Xcel. Rather you need your application server to do so. I forget whether you said passenger or unicorn, but either way *that* process needs to run as the logged-in user, and that's simpler since that process only needs to communicate via local sockets.

Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice

nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

Launching Excel in a production web server on a Mac

Anth Anth January 28, 2014 06:02PM

Re: Launching Excel in a production web server on a Mac

Jonathan Matthews January 28, 2014 06:10PM

Re: Launching Excel in a production web server on a Mac

Anth Anth January 28, 2014 06:20PM

Re: Launching Excel in a production web server on a Mac

Scott Ribe January 28, 2014 06:24PM

Re: Launching Excel in a production web server on a Mac

Anth Anth February 04, 2014 09:33AM

Re: Launching Excel in a production web server on a Mac

Scott Ribe February 04, 2014 09:33AM

Re: Launching Excel in a production web server on a Mac

Anth Anth February 04, 2014 04:36PM

Re: Launching Excel in a production web server on a Mac

Anth Anth February 05, 2014 03:06PM

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