Gabriel Arrais
January 16, 2014 03:42PM
Hi guys,

I'm using the HttpUseridModule for storing session ids of our users.

We're receiving a lot of errors lately concerning the format of the
userid cookie.

Basically there are two types of errors:

[error] 1581#0: *20523638 client sent invalid userid cookie
"sid="Cvwk2lLYLvhh3gYtDscPAg=="; $Path="/"" while reading response
header from upstream, client: xx.xx.xx.xx, server: , request: "GET
/xxxx/xxxx HTTP/1.1", upstream: "http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", host:


[error] 1582#0: *17018740 client sent too short userid cookie
"sid=Cvwkcept: */*", client: xx.xx.xx.xx, server: xxxxxxxxx, request:
"GET /xxxxxx HTTP/1.0", host: "xxxxxxx", referrer: "http://xxxxxxxxxxx"

And I'm using this configuration for userid

userid on;
userid_name sid;
userid_expires 31d;
userid_path /;

Can you help me?

Thank you in advance,
Gabriel Arrais

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nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

Errors using HttpUseridModule

Gabriel Arrais January 16, 2014 03:42PM

Re: Errors using HttpUseridModule

Francis Daly January 16, 2014 04:38PM

Re: Errors using HttpUseridModule

Gabriel Arrais January 16, 2014 05:18PM

Re: Errors using HttpUseridModule

Francis Daly January 16, 2014 06:10PM

Re: Errors using HttpUseridModule

Gabriel Arrais January 17, 2014 12:08PM

Re: Errors using HttpUseridModule

Gabriel Arrais January 16, 2014 05:14PM

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