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Re: Nginx as reverse Proxy, remove X-Frame-Options header

January 09, 2014 12:34PM

On 1/9/14, 12:14 PM, nano wrote:
> On 10/01/2014 2:21 AM, Jim Ohlstein wrote:
>> Hello,
>> On 1/9/14, 7:24 AM, nano wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> I share your opinion regarding nginx documentation. It is woeful.
>>> Particularly when compared to other exemplary open source projects, such
>>> as Postfix and FreeBSD. My inability to easily transfer my webservers to
>>> nginx from Apache, due to (my own shortcomings compounded by) terribly
>>> inadequate documentation, nearly made the transition impossible. Insult
>>> was only added to injury when, after transferring some sites to the
>>> recommended nginx, I found very little performance enhancement.
>>> Admittedly, I am most probably not properly utilizing the application
>>> and will only see improvements when my own abilities allow it.
>>> Nevertheless, the documentation needs work. It is prudent to accommodate
>>> less technically aware users.
>> You may not see much "performance enhancement" if your server was not
>> heavily loaded or if it is using PHP to serve static content, such as
>> WordPress used to do up until version 3.4 and continues to do on some
>> sites that were upgraded from older versions to the current version.
>> Also, if you are running a PHP daemon and a MySQL server on the same
>> server as you run nginx, they may contribute more to server load than
>> does nginx. Optimizing them, especially MySQL, may give you significant
>> "performance enhancement".
> Thanks, Jim, for the suggestions. I may look into optimizing MySQL at a
> later date.

Going to copy someone else's procedures and write another "tutorial"?

>> I mention WordPress because you link to a
>> WordPress site in your signature. Since your domain was first registered
>> in November and since you only have a few posts most of which are
>> rudimentary, I am going to doubt that you don't have a lot of traffic.
>> Alexa does not even have data on your site yet, it's so new. Plus using
>> a self signed certificate and creating SSL links on your home page -
>> http://bsdbox.co - give the big red page on Chrome. I have no desire to
>> add an exception for a two month old domain. Spring for $4.99/year at
>> https://www.cheapssls.com/domain-only.html and get a PositiveSSL
>> certificate.
> That domain only hosts a personal blog documenting FreeBSD procedures,
> and SOHO resource for colleagues, family and friends; in fact, the
> server is still running Apache and is not relevant to my observations
> pertaining to increased performance, or lack of, in transferring to
> nginx on other sites. Further, I have no desire to satisfy your trust
> concerns. My concern is to secure my own sensitive traffic. Moreover,
> the paradigm of entrusting third parties is foolish and highly
> susceptible to exploitation, but this, too, is irrelevant. Thank you for
> your concern and advice; however, I will not be purchasing a
> "PositiveSSL certificate".

Whatever. You put a link in your signature and *very* rudimentary (and
somewhat incorrect) "tutorials" in your blog.

In fact, on December 20, 2013 you wrote:

"I recently decided to build my first FreeBSD box. First order of
business: roll my own Apache server to host my ownCloud service. I also
decided to stand up this WordPress site to document my progress. Mostly
for posterity’s sake; this way, I have tried-and-tested data to
reference during future UNIX operations. “Why should I […]"

Learn something about being a sysadmin before writing "tutorials".

Anyway, opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one. Yours just
happens to be wrong.

>> The shortcomings are yours indeed. The documentation is for people who
>> understand the concepts and is not meant to be a replacement for a "for
>> Dummies" book. I believe that (almost) every directive is covered. If
>> you do not understand what the directives mean, there are many ways to
>> figure it out. In such a case, Google is your friend.
> I have no doubt, and iterated, my inadequacies affect my
> (mis)understanding of the documentation. Similarly, I remarked on the
> utility of alternative resources; found through Google. If you have some
> "for Dummies" resources, please feel free to provide them. That would be
> good.
>> Comparing nginx documentation to FreeBSD documentation is a bit
>> unrealistic. FreeBSD documentation is written by volunteers of which
>> there are dozens if not hundreds. The entire project is a community
>> effort. Despite that, some is out of date. For instance, look at
>> http://www5.us.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/svn-mirrors.html. Do you see
>> svn0.eu.FreeBSD.org listed there, or its fingerprint? There may be other
>> servers missing as well. I have found many other examples but that's the
>> first that comes to mind.
> It is analogous, as is the comparison to Postfix documentation. I did
> not claim FreeBSD literature is absent error, but that it is simply more
> comprehensive and accommodates "Dummies". If nginx chooses to cater for
> "for people who understand the concepts and is not meant to be a
> replacement for a 'for Dummies' book", that is the prerogative of the
> maintainers and developers of nginx documentation.

See above.

>> Anyone who wants to *volunteer* to improve the documentation should do
>> so. I'm sure the devs would at least look at any provided patches.
>> Of course, you can always create a community effort of your own and
>> organize your own wiki or alternate set of documentation. Or perhaps you
>> can apply for a job at Nginx.com to work on upgrading the documentation
>> to your standards.
> I am certain there are people who value and appreciate the project
> enough that will choose to contribute. When the values and objectives of
> a project comport with my own, I often choose to contribute how I can;
> such as, deploying Tor exit nodes, documenting up-to-date, basic
> procedures, or making monetary donations to the FreeBSD Foundation. This
> is a nice quality of open source communities. The good ones thrive, the
> less valued do not.
>> The original purpose of the wiki was to serve as English documentation
>> when there was little to none.
> I am sure that multimillion dollar donations will contribute to further
> improvements.

I'm not aware of any "multimillion dollar donations" but maybe you are.
Commercial funding is not a "donation".

>> Sure, it had a bit more hand holding, but
>> it really has become superfluous at least in terms of providing up to
>> date documentation, at least IMMHO.
> You are entitled to your opinion, as am I. Your advice will be
> considered. Thank you, Jim.

Again, see above.


Peace out.

Jim Ohlstein

nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

Nginx as reverse Proxy, remove X-Frame-Options header

basti January 09, 2014 05:04AM

Re: Nginx as reverse Proxy, remove X-Frame-Options header

Jonathan Matthews January 09, 2014 05:22AM

Re: Nginx as reverse Proxy, remove X-Frame-Options header

Maxim Dounin January 09, 2014 06:58AM

Re: Nginx as reverse Proxy, remove X-Frame-Options header

Jonathan Matthews January 09, 2014 07:14AM

Re: Nginx as reverse Proxy, remove X-Frame-Options header

nano January 09, 2014 07:26AM

Re: Nginx as reverse Proxy, remove X-Frame-Options header

Jonathan Matthews January 09, 2014 07:48AM

Re: Nginx as reverse Proxy, remove X-Frame-Options header

nano January 09, 2014 08:20AM

Re: Nginx as reverse Proxy, remove X-Frame-Options header

Jim Ohlstein January 09, 2014 10:22AM

Re: Nginx as reverse Proxy, remove X-Frame-Options header

nano January 09, 2014 12:16PM

Re: Nginx as reverse Proxy, remove X-Frame-Options header

Jim Ohlstein January 09, 2014 12:34PM

Re: Nginx as reverse Proxy, remove X-Frame-Options header

nano January 09, 2014 12:48PM

Re: Nginx as reverse Proxy, remove X-Frame-Options header

Maxim Dounin January 09, 2014 07:50AM

Re: Nginx as reverse Proxy, remove X-Frame-Options header

Maxim Dounin January 09, 2014 06:46AM

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