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[ANN] Windows nginx Caterpillar

December 06, 2013 03:53PM
'Keep Up' Windows nginx fan base :)

Over 2.000 downloads, lots of Beta feedback, we ain't done yet,
here's the latest and greatest version.

15:34 6-12-2013: nginx Caterpillar

Based on nginx 1.5.8 (5-12-2013) with;
+ Fix for nginx -t 'Assertion failed' issue
+ HttpSubsModule (https://github.com/yaoweibin/ngx_http_substitutions_filter_module)
+ echo-nginx-module (https://github.com/agentzh/echo-nginx-module)
+ ngx_http_lower_upper_case (https://github.com/replay/ngx_http_lower_upper_case)
+ Naxsi WAF (Web Application Firewall) v0.53-1 (upgraded 5-12-2013)
+ lua-nginx-module v0.9.2 (upgraded 6-12)
+ Streaming with nginx-rtmp-module, v1.0.8 (upgraded 6-12)
+ Source changes back ported
+ Source changes add-on's back ported
* The debug version is no longer needed, Intel static profiler data is used
nginx crash info/logging or event dump info is all that is needed
* Intel static profiler "the need for speed" compiler optimization
* Additional specifications are like 19:18 30-11-2013: nginx Caterpillar

Builds can be found here:
Subject Author Posted

[ANN] Windows nginx Caterpillar

itpp2012 December 06, 2013 03:53PM

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