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Re: Url rewriting faliure in case of UTF8 urls

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December 04, 2013 07:42PM
As an example I want to redirect "/آرایشگر" to "/استخدام آرایشگر" and I am using a rewrite rulr like the one below but things go wrong and I get a 404.

rewrite_rule: rewrite ^/آرایشگر/$ /استخدام آرایشگر;

And what do you mean by config? Do you mean nginx settings or configurations at compile time?
Subject Author Posted

Url rewriting faliure in case of UTF8 urls

omidr December 04, 2013 08:22AM

Re: Url rewriting faliure in case of UTF8 urls

Francis Daly December 04, 2013 03:50PM

Re: Url rewriting faliure in case of UTF8 urls

omidr December 04, 2013 07:42PM

Re: Url rewriting faliure in case of UTF8 urls

Francis Daly December 05, 2013 02:10PM

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