I am try to implement a simple auth system using nginx, nginx-auth-request-module and php-fpm.
I want to do the following:
User requests http://myserver.com/content/file1.zip?key=12345
location /content {
auth_request /auth_http.php;
# do some logic in auth_http.php then
# depending on response from auth_http.php drop the connection or allow downloading
I can't get the parameters from the request URI to my auth_http.php using the auth_request directive.
My simple auth_http.php to check for the key param:
$key = $_GET['key'];
error_log("key is $key \n"); ?>
This shows error in php log:
PHP Notice: Undefined index: key in /usr/local/nginx/html/auth_http.php
I also checked the sizeof $_GET and it is 0. Can someone help me please?