Thank you again.
About my tests, FYI I had httpauth turned off for my tests.
I think you nailed the problem.
This is some new information for me.
So for production I have a standard website which is php being cached by fastcgi cache. All static assets are served by nginx, so gzip_static will do the trick if I pre-compress them and it will save a bunch of cpu.
What about the cached .php page? Is there any way of saving the gziped version to cache?
Another question - most static assets are being worked in some way by ngx_pagespeed and the optimized assets are cached. That means .js, .css and images too. How does gzip works in this case? nginx gzips it everytime it gets hit? ngx_pagespeed caches gzipped content? I am confused.
Maybe it would be better to drop ngx_pagespeed, bulk optimize every image on source, minify all .js and .css, and let it all run on nginx without ngx_pagespeed cache. Can you share you experience on that?
And one last question, is there any way to output $gzip_ratio on the response headers in order to do a easy debbuging?
Later i'll do some more sieging with gzip comp level at 1 and off and i'll post it here.
Best regards.