nginx for Windows, one year on…
Time flies when you’re having fun :) one year down the road transforming nginx, rewriting, re-developing, crashing, heavy battles with compilers, add-on’s, c++ restrictions, ngxLuaDB powered by nginx for Windows, cross compiler, multi node imports… and yet here we are today September 2, 2014 !
A huge thanks to our team for their relentlessness in getting problems solved, to agentzh for fixing VC issues, to developers for their fast fixes in the base version, to the beta testers for being daring :) and everyone else for your support.
Which mayor items are next?
- More non-blocking Lua, event based DLL add-on’s like pagespeed, SharePoint, asp/dotnet.
- Tcp proxy support.
- Full 64 bit builds.
- IO event and thread separation.
- Distributed IO and CPU event processing.
To date 18k+ independent downloads.
1200+ running in production.
We ain’t done yet, we’re here to stay.
Builds can be found here:
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