On Monday 02 September 2013 00:58:42 itpp2012 wrote:
> Working on getting real high performance with nginx under windows I am
> rewriting code and already got around the fd_setsize issue following
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7976388/increasing-limit-of-fd-setsize-a
> nd-select/18530636 which is documented as
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/111855
> I came across an interesting issue (FD_SETSIZE compiled for 8196), when
> worker_connections is set to 1024 I can get a max of 4500 true concurrent
> connections working, when worker_connections is set to 2048 I can get a max
> of 9000 true concurrent connections working, is there some kind of
> recycling of FD going on inside nginx ? if not I need to look somewhere
> else. I intend to also solve the worker_processes issue but I first want
> to find out who is recycling the FD's.
Yes, there is one. See the ngx_drain_connections() function with
the accompanying ngx_reusable_connection().
wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev
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