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Re: still 400 response code, but so weird this time

August 05, 2013 06:14AM
Hi Maxim,

Now I'm sure that the 400-related logs in access log file are caused by bad SSL connections, which either finish SSH handshakes and then sending no data, or don't finish SSH handshake at at.

I'll be diving into it for more insights.

Thank you.

Maxim Dounin Wrote:

> > Just as you said, if the browser rejected my SSL cert, what could I
> do to
> > solve this issue?
> First of all, you should check if it's the case. If it is, you
> should investigate further why the browser rejects the cert -
> there are plenty of possible reasons.
> --
> Maxim Dounin
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Subject Author Posted

still 400 response code, but so weird this time

microwish August 01, 2013 03:10AM

Re: still 400 response code, but so weird this time

microwish August 01, 2013 03:28AM

Re: still 400 response code, but so weird this time

microwish August 01, 2013 03:37AM

Re: still 400 response code, but so weird this time

Maxim Dounin August 01, 2013 05:38AM

Re: still 400 response code, but so weird this time

microwish August 01, 2013 06:13AM

Re: still 400 response code, but so weird this time

Maxim Dounin August 01, 2013 08:04AM

Re: still 400 response code, but so weird this time

microwish August 05, 2013 06:14AM

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