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Re: still 400 response code, but so weird this time

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Maxim Dounin
August 01, 2013 05:38AM

On Thu, Aug 01, 2013 at 03:10:30AM -0400, microwish wrote:

> In access_log file, huge numbers of log entries like this:
> 1764839163 - 0.242 [01/Aug/2013:11:02:01 +0800] "foo.bar.com"
> "-" 400 0 "-" "-" "-"
> log_format defined in http conf block:
> '$remote_addr $connection $remote_user $request_time [$time_local]
> "$hostname" "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer"
> "$http_cookie" "$http_user_agent"'
> Points I realized:
> 1) Cannot catch $request, which is full original request line according to
> Nginx documentation. So can it tell at which phrase the connection was
> dropped?
> 2) $body_bytes_sent is zero. So no HTTP response body was generated.
> 3) $http_refer, $http_cookie and $http_user_agent cannot be caught. So does
> this indicate any issue?
> p.s. this might be caused by HTTPS/SSL connections from mobile client, but
> I'm not sure.

Such lines in access log are caused by opening and closing a
connection without sending any data in it. Usually this happens
due to browser optimizations (e.g., Chrome opens an additional
connection "just in case"), but might appear due to various other
reasons as well (e.g. if browser rejects your SSL cert).

As of nginx 1.3.15+ such connections are no longer logged to
access log, see http://nginx.org/en/CHANGES.

Maxim Dounin

nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

still 400 response code, but so weird this time

microwish August 01, 2013 03:10AM

Re: still 400 response code, but so weird this time

microwish August 01, 2013 03:28AM

Re: still 400 response code, but so weird this time

microwish August 01, 2013 03:37AM

Re: still 400 response code, but so weird this time

Maxim Dounin August 01, 2013 05:38AM

Re: still 400 response code, but so weird this time

microwish August 01, 2013 06:13AM

Re: still 400 response code, but so weird this time

Maxim Dounin August 01, 2013 08:04AM

Re: still 400 response code, but so weird this time

microwish August 05, 2013 06:14AM

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