Have you looked at the proxy_next_upstream configuration?
It should do what you want.
Also, depending on yourapplication and traffic, it might also be worth
looking into lowering fail_timeout.
Sajan Parikh
/Owner, Noppix LLC/
e: sajan@noppix.com
p: (563) 726-0371
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On 07/02/2013 11:55 PM, Sandeep L wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to configure nginx with upstream.
> We have 3 machines where we run application server and proxy passing
> all requests from nginx to application serves.
> I used following configuration in nginx:
> *upstream appcluster {*
> * server host1.example.com:8080 max_fails=2 fail_timeout=300s;*
> * server host2.example.com:8080 max_fails=2 fail_timeout=300s;*
> *}*
> Now issue is if the request comes to nginx when one server is down due
> to unknown reasons its waiting for a long time getting response or
> some times its getting connection timeout.
> Is there any module in nginx to get upstream servers status and
> forward requests only working upstream server.
> Can someone suggest me right configuration to get response from
> appcluster without latency or connection time out whenever a server
> wont respond.
> Thanks,
> Sandeep.
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