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SPDY certificates and Wordpress multisite

May 27, 2013 06:41PM
Hello. I manage a small blog network (17) that has a lot of traffic (20MM visits/month). I use Wordpress Multisite to manage it, each blog has its own domain name, and all are served from the same WP install.

I'm thinking about implementing SPDY to speed up the sites, I know I need SSL certificates for this to work.

1) Will I need a certificate for each website? Or just one certificate for the main site to encrypt the connection and that's it?

2) I have a single server directive holding most of the configuration stuff with 'default_server', and then some individual settings for each site, mostly www-to-no-www redirects and legacy url rewrites. If I need a certificate for each website, do I need to replicate all the wordpress config for each domain, having a complete server directive with all WP + PHP stuff in it for each domain? Does this impact nginx's performance in any way?

This one's just lazy: is the RPM package hosted in the nginx repo (for yum in Fedora/CentOS, etc) compiled with SPDY on or I'll need to compile my own version?

Thanks in advance.

Subject Author Posted

SPDY certificates and Wordpress multisite

cachito May 27, 2013 06:41PM

Re: SPDY certificates and Wordpress multisite

Jonathan Matthews May 27, 2013 07:00PM

Re: SPDY certificates and Wordpress multisite

Sylvia May 27, 2013 11:59PM

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