B.R. Wrote:
> It seems that PATH_INFO is sensitive to points being used in URI...
> Check the PHP doc about $_SERVER
> http://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.server.php:
> a very interesting example is being provided there.
Yes, I knew that.
If you read from the beginning of the thread,
the request is from /test.php/foo/bar.php
and I try it with another URI that should have PATH_INFO.
> Ubuntu is much likely not the problem.
> Since you are a 'good sysadmin', you also tried to relate trouble to some
> recent update of packages if any. :o)
This is fresh install, so it kind a hard to see whats updated than before.
But thanks for the idea.
> If nothing changed in your setup or in your configuration, then it
> comes from bad/unreliable usage of unknown resources.
I presume you find nothing wrong with my config?
> Hope that I helped,
> ---
> *B. R.*