On March 30, 2013 09:58AM Lukas Tribus wrote:
> Thats may be a dump question: but why do you use different
> host names in the first place? Is it a real business
> requirement to have a host name per domain?
No such thing as dumb questions, only people who can't answer
them :-)
I have multiple domains for email because the domains contain
the family name and I host for both my own family as well as
several 'in-law' with different family names.
On March 30, 2013 09:00AM Jonathan Matthews wrote:
> A cheaper, non-commercially-viable option (which might be
> acceptable as you indicate it's not a professional project)
> would just be to putdifferent domains' certs on different
> ports. A slight one-time setup annoyance to the users, of
> course, but they shouldn't care if you're doing it for
> free. Maybe.
Yes, either using one domain or hosting on multiple ports
would definitely work. And since I am providing this service
for free the in-laws would not complain.
However I prefer to keep my support duties to a minimum. And
neither of these solutions will work with the auto configuration
present in almost all mail clients today.
So if I can spend a bit of resources on getting SNI to work and
hence auto configuration that would be benicifial in the long