I'm trying to get a Bitnami Rails running with Nginx and Thin.
I've got Thin servers running on:
bitnami@linux:/opt/bitnami$ thin -C projects/ndeavor/current/config/thin.yml start
Starting server on ...
Starting server on ...
Starting server on ...
Starting server on ...
Starting server on ...
I've got Nginx running:
bitnami@linux:/opt/bitnami$ sudo ./ctlscript.sh start nginx
/opt/bitnami/nginx/scripts/ctl.sh : Nginx started
And after I start Nginx, then the thin.3000.log has:
>> Thin web server (v1.5.0 codename Knife)
>> Maximum connections set to 1024
>> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
So, I believe that Nginx is connected to the 5 Thin app servers.
I have the nginx.conf listen on port 80
But, when I try to connect using a browser, I get this:
"The service is not available. Please try again later."
It's the same message I get if nginx is not running.
Is something in Ubuntu stopping http port 80 from reaching nginx?