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Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

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All files from this thread

File Name File Size   Posted by Date  
no_buffer.patch 38.8 KB open | download 姚伟斌 01/13/2013 Read message
100 bytes open | download Weibin Yao 02/26/2013 Read message
no_buffer_v5.patch 39.2 KB open | download Weibin Yao 03/14/2013 Read message
Maxim Dounin
February 28, 2013 01:14PM

On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 05:36:23PM +0000, André Cruz wrote:

> I'm also very interested in being able to configure nginx to NOT
> proxy the entire request.
> Regarding this patch,
> https://github.com/alibaba/tengine/pull/91, is anything
> fundamentally wrong with it? I don't understand Chinese so I'm
> at a loss here...

As a non-default mode of operation the aproach taken is likely
good enough (not looked into details), but the patch won't work
with current nginx versions - at least it needs (likely major)
adjustments to cope with changes introduced during work on chunked
request body support as available in nginx 1.3.9+.

Maxim Dounin

nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

lm011111 January 11, 2013 02:22AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

姚伟斌 January 11, 2013 04:18AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

lm011111 January 13, 2013 04:02AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body? Attachments

姚伟斌 January 13, 2013 07:24AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

Pasi Kärkkäinen January 16, 2013 10:16AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

姚伟斌 January 16, 2013 10:18PM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

Pasi Kärkkäinen January 18, 2013 03:40AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

Pasi Kärkkäinen February 21, 2013 03:10PM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

Weibin Yao February 21, 2013 09:08PM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

Pasi Kärkkäinen February 22, 2013 04:26AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

Pasi Kärkkäinen February 22, 2013 05:52AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

Weibin Yao February 24, 2013 09:14PM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

Pasi Kärkkäinen February 25, 2013 05:14AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body? Attachments

Weibin Yao February 26, 2013 09:14AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

Pasi Kärkkäinen March 05, 2013 08:18AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

double March 07, 2013 12:25PM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

Pasi Kärkkäinen March 07, 2013 12:50PM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

Pasi Kärkkäinen March 14, 2013 04:46AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

Pasi Kärkkäinen March 08, 2013 08:38AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body? Attachments

Weibin Yao March 14, 2013 01:18AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

Pasi Kärkkäinen March 14, 2013 04:40AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

Pasi Kärkkäinen March 20, 2013 01:04PM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

double February 28, 2013 10:16AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

EDevil February 28, 2013 12:38PM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

Maxim Dounin February 28, 2013 01:14PM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

double March 05, 2013 06:24AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

Pasi Kärkkäinen March 14, 2013 10:14AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

Weibin Yao March 18, 2013 12:22AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

double April 04, 2013 04:30AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

Valentin V. Bartenev February 28, 2013 01:52PM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

EDevil February 28, 2013 02:04PM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

Pasi Kärkkäinen March 01, 2013 08:24AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

double March 01, 2013 10:17AM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

daveyfx January 11, 2013 02:31PM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

double February 26, 2013 04:10PM

Re: Is it possible that nginx will not buffer the client body?

double April 18, 2013 05:27AM

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