Igor Sysoev wrote:
> Changes with nginx 0.7.59 25 May 2009
> *) Feature: the "proxy_cache_methods" and "fastcgi_cache_methods"
> directives.
> *) Bugfix: socket leak; the bug had appeared in 0.7.25.
> Thanks to Maxim Dounin.
> *) Bugfix: a segmentation fault occurred in worker process,
> if a request had no body and the $request_body variable was used;
> the bug had appeared in 0.7.58.
> *) Bugfix: the SSL modules might not built on Solaris and Linux;
> the bug had appeared in 0.7.58.
> *) Bugfix: ngx_http_xslt_filter_module responses were not handled by
> SSI, charset, and gzip filters.
> *) Bugfix: a "charset" directive did not set a charset to
> ngx_http_gzip_static_module responses.
> The 0.7.x version status is changed to stable.
> While 0.7.x version development the following features appreared:
> *) caching of proxied and FastCGI servers;
> *) "try_files" directive;
> *) the "location" and "server_name" directives support captures
> in regular expressions;
> *) XLST and image filters;
> *) a preliminary IPv6 support;
> *) nginx/Windows.
Hi Igor,
Congrats for the stable status.
Does it mean this version will make its way into Debian stable (lenny)
repositories soon ?
Or is this the maintener's (Jose Parrella & Fabio Tranchitella) choice ?
Michael Baudino
KameHouse Prod.