Hi Igor,
Currently I am using proxy_cache, but have a question on how nginx
handles range requests for a file that is not currently in cache. Will
nginx simply proxy the file and not cache it, or download the entire
file into cache, but just serve the range request to the client.
Congrats on 0.7.59, and keep up the great work!
Igor Sysoev wrote:
> Changes with nginx 0.7.59 25 May 2009
> *) Feature: the "proxy_cache_methods" and "fastcgi_cache_methods"
> directives.
> *) Bugfix: socket leak; the bug had appeared in 0.7.25.
> Thanks to Maxim Dounin.
> *) Bugfix: a segmentation fault occurred in worker process,
> if a request had no body and the $request_body variable was used;
> the bug had appeared in 0.7.58.
> *) Bugfix: the SSL modules might not built on Solaris and Linux;
> the bug had appeared in 0.7.58.
> *) Bugfix: ngx_http_xslt_filter_module responses were not handled by
> SSI, charset, and gzip filters.
> *) Bugfix: a "charset" directive did not set a charset to
> ngx_http_gzip_static_module responses.
> The 0.7.x version status is changed to stable.
> While 0.7.x version development the following features appreared:
> *) caching of proxied and FastCGI servers;
> *) "try_files" directive;
> *) the "location" and "server_name" directives support captures
> in regular expressions;
> *) XLST and image filters;
> *) a preliminary IPv6 support;
> *) nginx/Windows.