I created 2 new cool logging modules.
The fitst one, nginx socketlog module, is a connection-oriented
alternative of udplog module that uses BSD syslog remote logging
protocol. It can be used with ng-syslogd to centralize logging. You can
get it here:
The second one, nginx redislog module, is a redis logging client for
nginx. It maintains one connection per peer per worker to a redis
databse and logs everything that you say directly to that database.
Destination key is of course dynamic: you can have one key per server or
with the help of special variable even per server per day! You can use
standard nginx variables in key names. This opens truly amazing
opportunities. No need to rotate logs anymore! Come and look at what
this module is capable of:
Here in my blog I expand a little bit on internals guts of these modules:
Best regards,
Valery Kholodkov
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