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HttpProxyModule vs HttpFastcgiModule

June 20, 2012 01:42PM
1. As I understand, we have to use HttpFastcgiModule for fastcgi call caching and HttpProxyModule for static files. Could someone please explain the reasons for why we have this distinction. In most of the cases I observed that there are similar directives only varying in the prefix, fastcgi_ vs proxy_.

2. I have a nginx server that has php-fpm. There I used the fastcgi_ cache and I could see the caching. Now I have a proxy server where I want to achieve the caching. Now, should I be using fastcgi_ cahe or proxy_ cache? Most likely it should be proxy_ cache!! But please help me understand. And if it proxy_ cache then having fastcgi_ cache at the first level is meaningless. We should have been fine with proxy_ and fastcgi_ should not have been there.

3. Clould someone also help me understand the flow of fastcgi caching. Static caching is somewhat clear.

4. I observed that the fastcgi response is cached as HTTP response (i.e. with HEADERS) unlike the static cache (files as sent to the client). I hope this is right. Why is this difference as compared to static caching.

5. Why is the temp location requied (How is spooling helpful here) ?

6. fastcgi_cache_use_stale error timeout invalid_header http_500; - When is this directive helpful?

I have gone through the nginx documentation. But I could not get these answers. It would be helpful if someone explains it.

Thank you.

Subject Author Posted

HttpProxyModule vs HttpFastcgiModule

amodpandey June 20, 2012 01:42PM

Re: HttpProxyModule vs HttpFastcgiModule

Francis Daly June 20, 2012 02:40PM

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