I am using nginx lua to return a 302 for certain requests - probably about 50% of total requests
e.g. (lua code)
if (res.status == ngx.HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY) then
local loc = res.header["X-Location"]
if (ngx.var.is_args == '?') then
loc = loc .. '?' .. ngx.var.args
return ngx.redirect(loc)
The other 50% are processed normally and a full reponse is returned
I do not need to log the 302 responses, and indeed it is causing a much waste of processor time when I come to analyse/process the logs (this is 100s of gigabytes of logs per day - so is a HUGE waste)
Is there any way to set a var prior to returning the 302 which will cause nginx not to log it?
Richard Kearsley
Systems Developer | M247 Limited
Internal Dial 2210 | Mobile +44 7970 621236
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