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limit_rate dynamically using $arg - security

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April 04, 2012 04:40PM
I've been looking for a way to limit videos to their bitrate to save bandwidth and I've come up with this code

if ($arg_LIMITSPEED) {
set $limit_rate $arg_LIMITSPEED;

It works but I would like to know if this code would be secure to use on a production server.

I am not worried about users setting their LIMITSPEED high on their own because I am limiting speeds at the network level as well.
Subject Author Posted

limit_rate dynamically using $arg - security

shoshomiga April 04, 2012 04:40PM

Re: limit_rate dynamically using $arg - security

Jonathan Matthews April 04, 2012 05:34PM

Re: limit_rate dynamically using $arg - security

shoshomiga April 05, 2012 07:26AM

Re: limit_rate dynamically using $arg - security

Maxim Dounin April 05, 2012 10:46AM

Re: limit_rate dynamically using $arg - security

shoshomiga April 05, 2012 11:06AM

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